Different Types of Offensive Strategies in Basketball
Do you believe championships are built around good basketball offenses?
Many coaches stress that defense is the key to winning in basketball, but you also can’t win if you can’t put the ball in the basket.
Coaches may love to drill their teams on the defensive end, but MOST players get really excited to practice offense.
Now don’t get me wrong, defense is IMPORTANT and you have to play it well to stop the opponent from scoring. However, if you can’t score, even if you have good defense, you can’t keep up!
There are many styles of offense that teams can run, and every basketball team will need to know a few different types of offensive strategies in order to handle different defensive schemes thrown at them.
Here is a quick look at some of the most important offenses to know.
Motion Offense
Here is a simple motion offense video that will help you understand basic cutting, passing, strategy, and etc. of a motion offense.
The motion offensive schemes have taken over the game of basketball over the last decade.
The reason for this is that the motion offense allows players to be creative, but yet it still imposes a sense of order on them.
The most common motion offense used is; three players on the perimeter and two big men inside.
The three perimeter players will pass the ball around while the two big men battle for position inside.
They key to the motion offense is in its name. The payers must constantly be moving to get open when they do not have the ball in their hands. No one player should hold the ball and dribble it to death. You want maximize the motion offense that way!
The best shots in the motion offense come from players getting open by setting screens for each other and passing the ball quickly.
The motion offense works best when players are unselfish and willing to sacrifice their stats for the good of the team.
There are many variations of the motion offense. Sometimes there will be four perimeter players with just one post player.
More rarely, some teams will run a motion offense with all five players on the perimeter.
There are a lot of things you have to do right when coaching young kids, especially when teaching them how to play offense.
Set Offense
These types of basketball schemes or offensive strategies used to be the norm in the game, but now they are rarely used now.
The set offenses feature players running cuts and screens for one another in a pattern that is repeated.
This kind of offense requires players to be disciplined and to set very good screens for one another.
This type of offense is easier to defend against than a motion offense, and it also does not allow players to be as creative.
Zone Offense
As well as drilling their teams in a primary offense, coaches also need to instruct them in a zone offense.
The most commonly used zone defense is the 2-3 zone. The way to beat the 2-3 zone is to run an offense with three players on the perimeter and two players down low.
The post players need to screen for each other and cut to the free throw line. The key to beating this zone defense is to pass the ball to the big man at the free throw line.
He can then take the short jumper, or he can pass the ball to the open man if the defense collapses on him.
Fast Break Offense
This is the MOST enjoyable and easiest way to score in the game. The key to scoring on the fast break is to keep the ball moving.
The best fast breaks will have no dribbling at all or a very limited amount. Players will keep passing as they hustle down the floor to get an easy layup.
Do you agree that offense is more important than defense?