Advertise on Inspirational Basketball
Got a product or service that will help improve the skills of basketball players, develop the coaching ability of basketball coaches, or help parents support their young basketball player?
Then Inspirational Basketball is the right platform to advertise it. Below you’ll find all the specifications.
Blog Stats
- 12,000+ monthly visitors
- 33,500+ monthly page views
- 550+ highly targeted basketball email subscribers
- Rank for 250+ valuable basketball keywords on the 1st page of Google
Audience Profile
- Virtually all of Inspirational Basketball readers our basketball players, fans, coaches and parents.
- Most of them spend time searching for basketball products, drills and training, coaching and parenting advice.
- 76% of our readers are from the US and the other 24% are from European countries, such as; Phillippines, Australia, United Kingdom, and etc.
Advertising Options
- Banners: We have the following sizes available: 300×250, 125×125. Banners are not rotated with other advertisers so you get 100% of the impressions. Banners are added at the top of the sidebar and will be visible on each page.
- Post Review: If your product or service is relevant and useful to our audience, we may review it on the blog.
- Email Blast: A review of your product or service can also be emailed to Inspirational Basketball subscribers (550+).
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Get In Touch For Rates and Availability
If you are interested, just send an email to and we will get back to you with the rates and availability.