U.S. Youth Basketball Camp Finder
If you know of any youth basketball camps in your area, please email us at inspirationalbasketball20@gmail.com so that we can include it in the list!
Please Click on your State Below to view Basketball Camps:

If you know of any youth basketball camps in your area, please email us at inspirationalbasketball20@gmail.com so that we can include it in the list!
Belinda Bennett
I am a registered photographer with Charlotte Mecklenburg School system and would like to know how I can become a preferred photographer for your Mecklenburg team photos. Great pricing with many options! I have references if that will help in the decision process, thanks.
Lamar Hull
Belinda – I don’t actually have any camps! Inspirational Basketball just provides information for the local camps in the area. The camp information that I have added, you can contact those individuals for photography opportunities. Thanks for visiting Inspirational Basketball!
Daud Yousef
Any tips on making Nba from canada
Lamar Hull
Hi David – nothing too specific! A lot of the same stuff that I preach throughout this website. If you are great player and your game shows that, it doesn’t matter where you are, talent can always be spotted. As long as you can play on an organized team, have someone to record your games and upload them to YouTube, market yourself by attending exposure camps, playing AAU, and writing college coaches at an early age expressing your interest in their program, then opportunities will open up for you. Making it to the NBA is tough because millions of kids have the same dream and only a few can make it, but just work on your game HARD every day and live with the outcome. Finding a successful basketball mentor in Canada and surrounding yourself around other competitive players/friends to push you is super helpful. Eat, sleep, breathe basketball…
Amari Redditt
Hay lamar i am 6’0 and 14 years old i am a good basketball player and high school coaches want me to play for them but my parents don’t believe in my abilities to play basketball so should i just quit or what
Lamar Hull
Amari – great question! Why quit? Do you not believe in your dream? Do you know how many successful people had naysayers, had parents that didn’t support their dream etc. but they made a way. Here is a great article for you to read that I wrote: https://inspirationalbasketball.com/parents-dont-support-your-basketball-dreams/. It fits your situation pretty well. Good luck!
Julie Raebur
My son is 10 years old. He taught himself to play basketball by watching Youtube videos. He is now on his first team. He loves the sport and practices every day, doing lots of drills and taking lots of shots. He doesn’t want to come in the house. He just wants to practice. He also plays well with his team in practice. His coach says he is the best shooter on the team. The problem is game day. He clams up and his confidence goes out the window. When he is passed the ball, he either passes it to someone right away or a defender steals it from him. He says he is afraid of so many players wanting his ball and he freezes up. How can he learn mental confidence? He really wants to play on a high school team and is driven. I took him to a skils clinic yesterday and there was a scrimmage at the end. He said that he didn’t attempt to score because he was intimidated. He has so much potential and loves the sport. How can he get his mind to be more strong?
Lamar Hull
Julie – thanks for the comment. This happens to a lot of young players. I’m actually writing my next article about this exact issue. He needs to play more to develop that confidence. Practice definitely helps develop his skills, but he has to test those skills against different types of competition and players very frequently. Once he does that he will get a good idea of where he needs to improve his game and it will give him confidence. He should play a lot of one-on-one and go play a lot of friendly 5-on-5 before and after school ball. Good luck!